Be not afraid! | John Paul II at 100

Vol. 5 | No. 15 | May 8-15, 2020

At a moment when so many people are living in fear, the May 18 centennial of the birth of a saint who urged the world to “Be not afraid!” seems like perfect timing. On Page 10, Mike Aquilina reflects on the late pope’s em-brace of courage throughout a life of many trials. On Page 14, John L. Allen Jr. takes a guess at what “God’s athlete” would be missing most if he were in quarantine today. And on Page 17, Editor-in-Chief Pablo Kay looks back at the time when then-Cardinal Karol Wojtyla visited LA for the first time. On Page 20, theologian Matthew Petrusek looks at today’s pandemic through the lens of the pope who warned us first about the evils of the “culture of death.”

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