Categories: California

‘Quicas’ among us: Following in the footsteps of Santo Toribio’s sister

Maria Marcos Romo Gonzalez, also called “Quica,” the sister of Mexican martyr St. Toribio Romo Gonzalez, dedicated her life to enabling poor children, including her brother, to receive a Christ-centered education. 

The Quica Project, bearing her name, recognizes the need for schools to open their doors to all children, regardless of the child’s economic status.

In helping with its mission, The Quica Project tells the stories of the people who have helped sustain and grow St. Catherine of Siena School in Reseda in an effort to inspire others to give and organize their giving. 

This year, four “Quicas” were honored at a dinner July 17 in St. Catherine’s School hall: Barbara May Theresa Werle, Gustavio Farias, Father Ra√∫l Cortes and Sister Sheila McNiff, the current principal of the school. The traveling relics of St. Toribio were at the event. 

Sister Sheila was faced with the task of saving St. Catherine’s school five years ago when it faced closure with only 57 students. Today, its enrollment has tripled and more than 90 percent of families receive financial assistance. ŒΩ

— Tamara Tirado

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