“Family Dinner,” an independent short film produced by Family Theatre Productions, has received awards at three major festivals: the Gabriel Awards, the New York Festivals and the Telly Awards.

Father David Guffey, a producer of the film and national director of Family Theater Productions said he and his team “are thrilled and excited by the recognition from these film festivals.” 

The 27-minute film won the 2015 Gabriel Award in the Religious category for TV, National Release, a Finalist Certificate from the 2015 New York Festivals and the 2015 Telly Award as a Film/Video Bronze Winner in the category for TV Programs, Segments, or Promotional Pieces. 

“Family Dinner” tells the story of Cristina, a young teenager who gets caught planning to sneak out to a party with a Senior boy. The parents agree to consider letting her attend the party after they meet the boy over a family dinner. 

Father Guffey added, “We are grateful to the actors and crew who worked with us to make this film and are proud to be recognized for achievement in a film that entertains and enriches with a true vision of humanity.”

The film was written and directed by Tony Sands, Senior Producer at Family Theater Productions in Hollywood. The DVD is on sale for $8.95, plus shipping and tax. To place an order, please visit HCFMstore.org or call (800) 299-7729.

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