With that in mind, and with the beatification of Blessed John Paul II about to take place in Rome on May 1, The Tidings this week presents a list of the 483 saints whom the Polish pope himself canonized (and a few of the 1,337 he beatified) in the 26 years of his pontificate. 


 June 20, 1982: Crispin of Viterbo (1668-1750).

nOctober 10, 1982: Maximilian Maria Kolbe, OFM (1894-1941).October 31, 1982: Marguerite Bourgeoys (1620-1700); Jeanne Delanoue (1666-1736).October 16, 1983: Leopold Mandic (1866-1942). March 11, 1984: Paula Frassinetti (1809-1882).May 6, 1984: Andrew Kim and 102 Companions, Martyrs of Korea.October 21, 1984: Miguel Febres Cordero (1854-1910). April 13, 1986: Francis Anthony Fasani (1681-1742).October 12, 1986: Giuseppe Maria Tomasi (1649-1713). October 18, 1987: Lawrence Ruiz (+1637); Dominic Ibá√±ez de Erquicia, OP (1589-1633); James Kyushei Tomonaga, OP, and 13 Philippine Companions.October 25, 1987: Giuseppe Moscati (1880-1927). May 16, 1988: Martyrs of Paraguay: Roque González de Santa Cruz (1576-1628); Alfonso Rodríguez (+1628); Juan de Castillo, SJ (1596-1628).June 11, 1988: Eustochia Smeraldo Calafato (1434-1485).June 19, 1988: 117 Martyrs of Vietnam (+1745-1862).July 3, 1988: Simón de Rojas, O.SS. (1552-1624); Rose-Philippine Duchesne (1769-1852).October 2, 1988: Magdalen of Canossa (1774-1835).December 11, 1988: Maria Rosa Molas y Vallvé (1815-1876). April 9, 1989: Clelia Barbieri (1847-1870).November 1, 1989: Gaspar Bertoni (1777-1853); Richard Pampuri, OH (1897-1930).November 12, 1989: Agnes of Bohemia (1211-1282); Brother Albert of Krakow (Adam Chmielowski, 1845-1916).December 10, 1989: Mutien-Marie Wiaux, FSC (1841-1917). December 9, 1990: Marguerite d’Youville (1701-1771). November 17, 1991: Raphael Kalinowski, OCD (1835-1907) May 31, 1992: Claude La Colombière, SJ (1641-1682).October 11, 1992: Ezequiel Moreno y Díaz (1848-1906).March 21, 1993: Mary of St. Ignatius (Claudine Thévenet) (1774-1837); Sister Teresa de Jesus “de los Andes” (Juana Fernández Solar) (1900-1920).June 16, 1993: Enrique de Ossó y Cercelló (1840-1896).September 8, 1993: Saint Meinardo (1134/36-1196).May 21, 1995: Jan Sarkander (1576-1620); Zdislava of Lemberk (1220-1252).July 2, 1995: Martyrs of Kosice (+1619): Marek Krizin (1588-1619); Stefan Pongracz (1582-1609); Melichar Grodziecki, SJ (1584-1619).December 3, 1995: Eugene de Mazenod (1782-1861). June 2, 1996: Jean-Gabriel Perboyre (1802-1840); Egidio Maria of Saint Joseph (Francis Anthony Postillo) (1729-1812); Juan Grande Román, O.H. (1546-1600). June 8, 1997: Hedwig, queen of Poland (1374-1399).June 10, 1997: John of Dukla (1414-1484).October 11, 1998: Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) (1891-1942).April 18, 1999: Marcellin Joseph Beno√Æt Champagnat (1789-1840); John Calabria (1873-1954); Agostina Livia Pietrantoni (1864-1894).June 16, 1999: Sister Kunegunda Kinga (1234-1292).November 21, 1999: Brother Cyrill Bertrán and 8 Companions (+1934); Inocencio de la Inmaculada (+1937); Benedict Menni, OH (1841-1914); Thomas of Cori, OFM (1655-1729). April 30, 2000: Mary Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938).May 21, 2000: Cristóbal Magallanes Jara (1869-1927); Román Adame Rosales; Rodrigo Aguilar Aleman; Julio Álvarez Mendoza; Luis Batis Sáinz; Agustín Caloca Cortés; Mateo Correa Megallanes; Atilano Cruz Alvarado; Miguel De La Mora De La Mora; Pedro Esqueda Ramírez; Margarito Flores García; José Isabel Flores Varela; David Galván Bermudes; Salvador Lara Puente; Pedro de Jes√∫s Maldonado Lucero; Jes√∫s Méndez Montoya; Manuel Morales; Justino Orona Madrigal; Sabas Reyes Salazar; José María Robles Hurtado; David Roldán Lara; Toribio Romo González; Jenaro Sánchez Delgadillo; Tranquilino Ubiarco Robles; David Uribe Velasco; José Maria de Yermo y Parres (1851-1904); María de Jes√∫s Sacramentado Venegas (1868-1959).October 1, 2000: Augustine Chao (+1815) and 119 companions, Martyrs of China; María Josefa of the Heart of Jesus Sancho de Guerra (1842-1912); Katharine Drexel (1858-1955); Josephine Bakhita (1869-1947). June 10, 2001: Luigi Scrosoppi (1804-1884); Agostino Roscelli (1818-1902); Bernard of Corleone (1605-1667); Teresa Eustochio Verzeri (1801-1852); Rafqa Pietra Choboq Ar-Rayès (1832-1914).November 25, 2001: Joseph Marello (1844-1895); Paula Montal Fornés de San José de Calasanz (1799-1889); Léonie Fran√ßoise de Sales Aviat (1844-1914) Maria Crescentia Höss (1682-1744).May 19, 2002: Alphonsus de Orozco, OSA (1500-1591); Ignatius of Santhià, OFM Cap (1686-1770); Humilis of Bisignano, OFM (Luke Anthony Pirozzo, 1582-1637); Pauline of the Heart of Jesus in Agony (Pauline Amabilis Visenteiner, (1865-1942); Benedicta Cambiagio Frassinello (1791-1858).June 16, 2002: Padre Pio da Pietrelcina, OFMCap (Francisco Forgione) (1887-1968).July 30, 2002: Pedro de San José de Betancourt (1887-1968).July 31, 2002: Juan Diego Cuauhtlatohuac (1474-1548).October 6, 2002: Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer (1902-1975). May 4, 2003: Father Pedro Poveda Castroverde (1874-1936); Father Jose Maria Rubio y Peralta, SJ (1864-1922); Genoveva Torres Morales (1870-1956); Angela of the Cross (Maria Guerrero Gonzalez) (1846-1931); Maria Maravaillas de Jesus Pidal y Chico de Guzman (1891-1974).May 18, 2003: Bishop Joseph Sebastian Pelczar (1842-1924); Ursula Ledochowska (1865-1939); Maria de Mattias (1805-1866); Virginia Centurione Bracelli (1587-1651).October 5, 2003: Bishop Daniele Comboni (1831-1881); Father Arnold Janssen (1837-1909); Father Joseph Freinademetz, SVD (1851-1908).May 16, 2004: Father Luigi Orione; Gianna Beretta Molla; Jose Manyanet Vives; Nimatullah Kassab al-Hardini; Paola Busecchi-Tassis; Annibale Maria de Francia. Notable BeatificationsJune 22, 1980: Kateri Tekakwitha.May 23, 1982: Brother André Bessette.October 3, 1982: Marie of the Cross (Jeanne Jugan).September 25, 1988: Father Junípero Serra.August 22, 1997: Frederick Ozanam.October 25, 1998: Mother Theodore (Anna Théresè Guérin).September 3, 2000: Pope Pius IX (Giovanni Maria Mastai Ferretti); Pope John XXIII (Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli).October 20, 2003: Mother Teresa of Calcutta. 

This article is from “John Paul II: A Light for the World,” edited by Sister Mary Ann Walsh, RSM. ¬© 2003 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Inc., published by Sheed & Ward. All rights reserved. For more information on this publication, go to www.popebook.com. Updated with information from Vatican Information Service and Catholic News Service.

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