Consuelo del Socorro Córdoba is a Colombian woman who had made up her mind to be euthanized because of the serious illnesses caused by an acid attack she suffered in 2001. But after meeting Pope Francis on Sept. 9 during his trip to the Colombia, she gave up her intention to end her life.

The woman, who suffers from toxoplasmosis — a very serious infection that affects the brain — has undergone 87 surgeries. Speaking to CNN en Espa√±ol she told how she met Pope Francis at the Apostolic Nuntiature in Bogota. “I was the first in line and the first one he greeted was me. He gave me a hug,” she said. “I'm happy, I told him I was going to get euthanized, to help me, and he told me no, that I was not going to do that. He told me I was very brave and very pretty.”

Since the attack this woman has undergone 87 operations, but there are still six more to go since she cannot consume solid food. This encounter with Pope Francis, she said “completely changed” her. “Now I do want to live and I need the whole world to know.” “Thanks be to God this miracle could take place, that I could be here,” the woman shared, who still needs several thousand dollars for her treatment.

“I decided to get euthanized Sept. 29. I have the letter here. Here in Teusaquillo, Dr. Gustavo Qui√±ones was going to give me the injection, but I'm not going to get it anymore,” she said.

Pope Francis' Sept. 6-11 trip to Colombia follows apostolic visits by two of his predecessors, Bl. Paul VI and St. John Paul II. During his visit, he met with the country’s civil leaders, addressed Latin American bishops, spoke to men and women religious, and made a plea for an end to violence and human trafficking in the region.

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