Many men and women religious serving in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles observed milestone jubilees of profession in their respective religious communities in 2013. Last Jan. 27, some 100 religious were honored during the annual Mass for Religious Jubilarians celebrated at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. “You are a visible sign of the real love of Jesus Christ in your love for the poor and sick, through your work teaching and in other ministries,” Archbishop José Gomez told the jubilarians. Following is the list of those who were honored on that occasion. Other religious who have served in the archdiocese during their years of ministry, but may not currently be serving here, will be included in a future issue. (Many religious order golden and silver jubilarian priests were included in the Aug. 9 and 16 issues.)PriestsVincentian (CM): Father John V. Shine (50 years).Marianist (SM): Father James Mueller (60).Piarist (SchP): Father Raymond M. Farre (60).BrothersMarianist (SM): Brother LeRoy Viera (60).SistersHoly Faith (CHF): Sister Mary Glennon (60).Humility of Mary (CHM): Sister Elizabeth Thoman (50).Holy Cross (CSC): Sister Elizabeth Panero (60).St. Joseph of Carondolet (CSJ): Sisters Margaret Callahan (75), Mary Martin McCullough (75), Loretta Anne Bellue (70), Madeline Marie Butorovich (70), Mary Conroy (70), Robert Joseph Doucette (70), Anne Bernadette Stead (70), Teresa Avalos (60), Marta Ann Cota (60), Daniel Therese Flynn (60), Patricia Foster (60), Joan Marie Hagen (60), Veronica Jones (60), Kathleen Kelly (60), Barbara Joan Nicewander (60), Rose Leonard Stevling (60), Patricia Supple (60), Maureen Petrone (50). Bethany (CVD): Sister Leticia Gomez (40).Daughters of Mary & Joseph (DMJ): Sisters Lois Claiborne (60), Sheila Collins (60), Stella Marie Enright (60), Mary Jensch (60), Christina O'Connor (60), Mary Perpetua O'Hely (60), Ruth M. Schwalenberg (60), Therese Martin Schwalenberg (60), Catherine Sullivan (60), Barbara Teresa Wright (60).Eucharistic Franciscan (EFMS): Sisters Teresa Cabral (50), Isabel de la Eucaristia Abril (25), Gemma de la Trinidad Villafana (25).Servant of the Immaculate Child Mary (EIN): Sister Enedina Cuevas Diaz (50).Franciscan of Mary Immaculate (FMI): Sister Rosa Gonzalez (40).Our Lady of the Annunciation (IOLA): Sisters Gloria Garcia (30), Amila Giducos (30).Lovers of the Holy Cross (LHC): Sisters Marian Uyen Nguyen (50), Ann Mai Pham (50), Mary Phuong Thao La (25).Little Sisters of the Poor (LSP): Sisters Winefred Berchmans Caron (70), Laurentia Lee (25). Little Handmaids of the Most Holy Trinity (MAST): Sister Monica D. Bermiso (25). Missionaries of Charity (MC): Sisters Maria Esthela Gonzalez (50), Cecilia Nakajima (50).Guadalupan Missionaries of the Holy Spirit (MGSpS): Sisters Rafaela Cruz (50), Antonia Lopez (50).Maryknoll (MM): Sister Mary Elizabeth Driscoll (70).Carmelite (OCD): Sisters Belen Cornejo (75), Mary Gonzaga Martinez (70), Alfonsina Sanchez (70), Mary Lawrence Hernandez (50), Timothy Marie Kennedy (50), Dolorosa Presley (50), Stephanie Schenfeld (50), Therese Zamacona (50).Company of Mary Our Lady (ODN): Sister Peter Pedroza (60).Dominican (OP): Sisters Catherine Marie Bazar (60), Giulii Zobelein (60).St. Francis (OSF): Sisters Mary Dolores Flores (50), Judith McGoldrick (50), Elizabeth Ann Waldron (50).St. Clare (PCC): Mother Aimee Marie Bender (25).Disciples of the Divine Master (PDDM): Sister Mary Peter Mendes (50).Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary (RSHM): Sisters Marguerite McLoughlin (75), Evelyn Joyce (50), Pauline MacDonald (50), Miriam Tiburcio (50), Joan Treacy (50).Pious Schools (SchP): Sister Georgina Gutierrez (50).Servants of Mary (S de M): Sisters Esther Fonseca Rodriguez (60), Gabriela Gallego Ruiz (50).Notre Dame (SND): Sisters Mary Francelia Klingshirn (75), Mary Josanne Furey (65), Mary Donnamay Weigler (65), Mary Teresita Keliher (50), Mary Emilie Ann Palladino (50), Anna Maria Vasquez (40).Holy Names (SNJM): Sister Barbara Boudreau (50).Providence (SP): Sisters Rita Bergamini (70), Sr. Irene Charron (70), Mary Shearer (70), Lucy Villanova (70), Yvonne LeBlanc (60), Shirley Smith (60), Beverly Dunn (50), Teresa J. White (50).St. Louis (SSL): Sisters Miguel O'Reilly (70), Mary Conheady (60), Monica Quigley (60).Social Service (SSS): Sisters Jeanne Felion (50), Chris Machado (25).Teresian Daughters of Mary (TDM): Sister Rosita D. Duhaylongsod (25).Two women honored last January as “celebrating with saints” were St. Joseph of Carondelet Sister Monica Anne Waldman, a 70-year jubilarian, who died Nov. 28, 2012, and Little Sister of the Poor Mary Anthony Power, a 50-year jubilarian, who died Oct. 18, 2012.Anniversaries of continuous service in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles are being celebrated in 2013 by the following religious communities:—130 years: Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet.—90 years: Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary.—60 years: Sisters of the Holy Faith.—25 years: Guadalupan Missionaries of the Holy Spirit.—15 years: Little Handmaids of the Most Holy Trinity.—10 years: Puso Ng Carmelo (Heart of Carmel) Community.Anniversaries of founding are being celebrated in 2013 by the Missionaries of Charity Brothers (50 years), the Dominican Sisters of Christian Doctrine (25) and the Little Handmaids of the Most Holy Trinity (25).

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