Bishop Felix Genn of Muenster, Germany called for prayers Saturday, after a man drove a delivery vehicle into a crowd of pedestrians, killing three and injuring dozens more.

“What has happened is terrible; in my thoughts and prayers, I am with the victims and their families,” Bishop Genn said in a statement.

“I invite all people in the diocese of Muenster to join together today in prayer for the victims.”

He voiced gratitude to the emergency responders on-site, saying their work “deserves the highest respect.”

Police said they are treating the incident as a deliberate attack. The driver of the delivery vehicle plowed into a crowd of people outside a strip of restaurants that are popular with tourists.

Authorities said the driver then shot and killed himself.

According to the BBC, at least 20 people were injured, including six who are in serious condition.

Police are still investigating the identity and background of the driver, as well as possible motives.

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