The beatitudes are a “program,” the “identity card of a Christian,” Pope Francis said during in his June 9 homily at the Vatican’s St. Martha guesthouse, adding that they are “few words, simple words, but practical for all.”‚Ä®‚Ä®
“Because Christianity is a practical religion: it is not just to be imagined, it is to be practiced,” he said. The Roman Pontiff focused his words on each of the beatitudes taken from the fifth chapter of Matthew’s Gospel, beginning with “Blessed are the poor in spirit.”‚Ä®‚Ä®
Wealth, he said, gives us no true certainty, but rather suffocates the need for God and his Word, because the heart that is rich and self-satisfied has no room for them. “Blessed are they who mourn for they will be comforted… The world tells us that happiness, joy and entertainment are the best things in life,” the pontiff continued, but “it looks the other way when there are problems of disease or pain in the family.”‚Ä®‚Ä®
Explaining how the world often “covers up” suffering because it prefers to “ignore painful situations,” the pope noted that “Only the person who sees things as they are, and whose heart mourns, will be happy and will be comforted. Thanks to the consolation of Jesus, not to that of the world.”‚Ä®‚Ä®
“Blessed are the meek in this world which is filled with wars, arguments, hatred. And Jesus says: no war, no hatred. Peace and meekness,” he went on, observing that often “if you are meek in life, people will think you are not clever.”‚Ä®‚Ä®
“But you are meek because with this meekness you will inherit the Earth,” he said.‚Ä®He lamented the many injustices that are created on account of a “everything is business” mentality.
“Blessed are they who fight against injustice,” he said, “Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy.”‚Ä®The merciful are “those who forgive and understand the mistakes of others,” the pope said, adding that Jesus does not tell us “blessed are they who seek revenge.”‚Ä®
For his full discourse on the Beatitudes, visit