Archbishop Alfredo Zecca of Tucuman, Argentina, said the Church does not tire of proclaiming the Gospel of Life and of denouncing the culture of death that eliminates the most innocent and defenseless. “Christ’s resurrection is also our resurrection and gives us the grace to live as ‘new men,’ as ‘risen ones.’ Our new mission ought to necessarily follow our new being; sin gives way to grace, darkness to light, death to life,” Archbishop Zecca said in his Easter message. This new mission and new being must be made manifest concretely in daily life, he explained, “and this inevitably raises questions: Can the Church remain silent amidst the malicious attempt to once again institute ‘the culture of death’?” “Can we Argentineans boast of being pioneers in the defense of human rights when we don’t respect the most basic of them all: human life, which is sacred and inviolable from conception to natural death?” he asked. “Faithful to the Lord’s command, the Church will never tire of proclaiming the Gospel of Life and of denouncing, with the Gospel and natural law, every attempt to legally justify death, any death, but above all, that of the most innocent: the unborn child,” the archbishop stressed. “During this Easter may God help us to reflect as Christians and citizens, especially those in positions of responsibility, and give us the courage to confront these challenges together,” he said.

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Catholic News Agency

Catholic News Agency was founded in 2004, in response to Pope St. John Paul II’s call for a “New Evangelization." It is an apostolate of EWTN News.