The City of Los Angeles has unveiled a new plan to find housing for homeless veterans.

The plan would create 500 apartments for the area’s homeless veterans — the living spaces would come from repaired rundown motels and hospitals, according to city officials in a press release.

Developers are expected to turn purchased rundown properties into efficiency apartments, which vets will pay for using vouchers from the Department of Veteran Affairs, The Los Angeles Times reports.

As part of the program, the residents are entitled to supportive services, including case management and counseling.

Last year, during a single night in Los Angeles almost 3,000 homeless veterans slept on the streets, according to the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority.

The L.A. Times reports funding from Proposition 41, which allocated $600 million in bond money for housing for poor and homeless veterans, will be used for this project.

Landlords are expected to make a profit from the housing vouchers, which are set to expire in 15 years.

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