The American Federation Pueri Cantores is sponsoring two sacred music festivals in the Southern California area, one for High School students and one for students in grades fourth through eighth. Singers taking part in the festival will have the opportunity to share in the faith through music, receive advanced training from nationally recognized educators and build their repertoire. Both events are open to the public. 

The Inaugural Southern California High School Festival takes place on May 1 at Our Savior Church at the University of Southern California. All ten selected choirs will come together for a morning session from 9 a.m. to noon and an afternoon session from 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. The church is located at 844 W. 32 St., Los Angeles.

The Southern California Choral Festival and Mass for treble singers, open to singers grades fourth through eighth, will take place on March 14 and consist of a 5 p.m. Mass with all choirs singing as one. The Mass will be preceded by a 4: 30 p.m. individual choir performance. The church is located at 311 N. Raymond Ave., Pasadena.

The choirs will work with guest clinician Lee Gwozdz, a leading Catholic conductor of youth singers. For more information on both events and to register, please visit