Categories: LA Catholics

St. Augustine Academy honors Class of 2018

On Saturday, May 26, St. Augustine Academy honored the Class of 2018 with a baccalaureate Mass and graduation ceremony at Thomas Aquinas College.

Led by Mr. Michael Van Hecke, Headmaster, the Academy recognized the 18-member graduating class, including Valedictorian Richard Seely and Salutatorian Andrew Ellis. 

Below are excerpts from the speeches given to commemorate the event: 

Mr. Andrew Rossi, 6-year faculty member:

Your class made the challenges of being a new teacher easier to deal with by filling my year with so much joy and entertainment. While trying to teach you history, I discovered in all of you a joy, a love of life and a love of each other that was infectious to those around you. 

You realized that you are capable of reading great and challenging works, and yet still form an opinion based on the text and argue and persuade others of the truth that you had found.

Learn from your parents and the parents of others how much sacrifice is necessary to help those you love. You have been given great examples; remember them often and strive to live like them. 

Mr. Richard Seely, Valedictorian:

To my classmates: I’m sure we can all agree that one of the most valuable gifts we’ve been given here at Saint Augustine’s is our friendship.

We have received an incredible formation here. We have received our friendships.

There are many different paths we can take, but they must all have the same mission, the same end. We must do what our teachers have done for us. We must aid the Church in her great duty of spreading the Good News to all we meet by being examples to every one of the joy that can be attained through Christ and His Church.

Mr. Joseph Grumbine, Class Speaker:

My aim is not to boast about Saint Augustine’s. The reason I have given such lengthy praise is because I want to impress upon you, my fellow students and classmates, the value of the education and environment you are being given by the sacrifice of others; recognize and be grateful for this gift and do not squander it like the steward who buried the money his master had given him.

Although we as students read and study and delve into the deeper questions of life, we have not lived life yet. School has prepared for it as best it could, but we must realize we are inexperienced and we must act with humility as we continue to learn.

Angelus Staff