Categories: LA Catholics

New VP for Daughters of Charity group

GRACE (Gather, Respect, Advocate, Change, Engage) has appointed Jackie Thu-Huong Wong as the new Vice President of Policy and Advocacy. Established by the Daughters of Charity, GRACE is dedicated to research, education, and advocacy to reduce child and family poverty in California. 

“Ms. Wong brings the perfect combination of knowledge, experience, and commitment to GRACE’s mission to develop and implement solutions to end California’s tragic status as the nation’s leader in child and family poverty. The state’s Lifting Children and Families Out of Poverty Task Force recommendations are being issued on November 1, and Ms. Wong will be the field marshal of our efforts to ensure these recommendations spur powerful legislation in Sacramento,” said GRACE CEO Conway Collis, who also serves as the task force’s co-chair.

“I believe we can end child poverty within our lifetime, and am honored to join GRACE in achieving this mission,” Wong said. “I look forward to jumping right in to make sure the Task Force’s work continues its forward momentum to create an anti-poverty movement that can drive change in Sacramento.”

Wong is leaving her current post as the Statewide Director for the Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program at the California Department of Education, where she worked with elected officials, state agencies, school districts, county offices of education, and education equity stakeholders to help students in foster care receive the benefits and funds they need, under the Local Control Funding Formula. 

Before that, Wong served as a principal consultant in the Senate Policy Unit under then-Senate President Pro Tempore Darrell Steinberg.

For more information about GRACE, visit

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