Categories: LA Catholics

Mayfield welcomes new head of school

Mayfield Senior School of the Holy Child Jesus welcomes Kate Morin as the new Head of School. The long-time Maryland resident was appointed in October 2014 and will begin her new role this upcoming academic year.

“We are infused with confidence and gratitude that we have found in Kate Morin the perfect leader to guide our future,” said Marla Alders, board chair of Mayfield.

Morin and her husband, Skip, made the decision to move from Bethesda, Maryland to Pasadena for her new position. The couple has three grown sons and are happy to embark on a new adventure.

Morin comes to her new role with many years of experience as a teacher and administrator. Her new responsibility will be marked by her belief that the world needs more women leaders, she says. She sees Mayfield as a great place for young girls to learn because of the school’s sisterhood of support and lifelong friendships.

“For me the decision to join the Mayfield Senior School community was a very easy one. During my visits to campus it became crystal clear that Mayfield Senior School is a place where young women thrive.”

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