“Ethical Care at the End of Life,” a seminar addressing hospice trends, palliative sedation, physician-assisted suicide and more, will be held Oct. 25 at Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Ventura.
Sponsored and presented by Defenders of Life of Ventura County and the Scholl Institute of Bioethics, the seminar is aimed at protecting natural death and preventing stealth euthanasia, according to organizers. Other end-of-life topics include “do not resuscitate” (DNR) and advance directives, issues associated with “brain dead” and “persistent vegetative state” diagnoses, and current legislation and litigation.
Speakers include Betty Odello, RN, a retired professor of philosophy who serves on the archdiocesan Life, Justice and Peace Commission; Miguel Endara, Ph.D, who teaches philosophy at L.A. Pierce College; and Katie Short, legal director of the Life Legal Defense Foundation.
The seminar will be held 8 a.m.-12:45 p.m. at Our Lady of the Assumption’s Mulcahy Center, 3175 Telegraph Rd., Ventura. There is no fee (free will offering appreciated), but RSVPs are requested. Information: (805) 642-6403 or [email protected].