What could be more appropriate than buying an American flag from a boy scout?

That’s the thinking behind Boy Scout Troop 167, based at St. Luke the Evangelist Church in Temple City, recent fundraising project which is to sell the stars and stripes on Sunday between Masses.

“These are all American flags that are made in America with American materials,” says troop leader Ken Street about the three sizes of outdoor flags that are up for sale. “We are generating a lot of positive interest and have steady sales.”

Troop 167 has about 35 active members ranging in age from 11-18 years old. This is the first time the troop has sold flags; Street says the boys were testing it out as a potential fundraiser for the troop.

This Sunday, June 29 will be the last time the scouts will be out this summer selling flags at St. Luke’s. Street hopes that folks pick up their flag (the medium size comes with the hardware to attach it to the house) just in time for Fourth of July. Flag selling, he says, isn’t seasonal since almost every season has a patriotic holiday. 

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