Categories: LA Catholics

Archbishop José H. Gomez to preside at annual Religious Jubilarians Mass

Archbishop José H. Gomez will preside at the annual Religious Jubilarians Mass at 3 p.m. on Jan. 29 at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Downtown Los Angeles. The Mass will celebrate those communities and religious with jubilee milestones.

Sister Cecilia Canales, OP, former Vicar of Women Religious for the archdiocese, will serve as the evening’s MC. 

Father Albert Bahhuth, moderator of the Curia, said regarding the event, “It is right and just to give thanks to God for the women and men who dedicated their lives to pass on the gift of faith to others.”

The cathedral is located at 555 W. Temple St., Los Angeles. Parking is available on-site. For more information, email 

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