Catholic Schools Week is a national celebration highlighting the importance of Catholic education

To kick-off Catholic Schools Week activities and events throughout the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Archbishop José H. Gomez visited St. Paul School in Mid-City Los Angeles on Monday, Jan. 29, for Mass and activities with transitional kindergarten (TK) and kindergarten students. St. Paul School is one the Archdiocese’s newest dual-language immersion (DLI) schools offering math, science, social studies and religion classes taught half in English and half in Spanish. 

Archbishop Gomez celebrated Mass at St. Paul Parish with all students from TK to eight grade. Archbishop Gomez then visited with TK and kindergarten students where he read a story to them in Spanish. The students also presented a poem and said a prayer in Spanish. Archbishop Gomez offered all of the students a blessing. 

Last year, St. Paul School joined the roster of five other Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese offering the DLI program, which aims to educate children to become biliterate, mastering core academic content and skills in two languages, and develop strong moral character based in Catholic faith. 

As part of the National Catholic Schools Week, observed in all dioceses in the United States from January 28 - February 3, schools throughout the tri-county Archdiocese (Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara), serving nearly 80,000 students, will host open houses highlighting unique programs and offerings, special events and Masses.

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