Categories: LA Catholics

Archbishop Gomez Google Hangout with Catholic students and seminarians

On Sept. 16, Catholic students and seminarians began the new school year with a first-ever Google Hangout on Air with Archbishop José H. Gomez. Students and teachers from Catholic schools across Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara counties and seminarians from

St. John’s Seminary at Immaculate Conception School in Los Angeles participated in the event.

Archbishop Gomez answered questions that ranged from the papal visit to the canonization of Blessed Junípero Serra. The event marked the 28th anniversary of Pope St. John Paul II’s visit to Immaculate Conception School in 1987. The hangout concluded with Immaculate Conception students presenting the archbishop with a tote bag filled with notes and prayer intentions to be presented to Pope Francis during his visit.

“Catholic education is the Church’s future,” said Archbishop Gomez. “It’s also the key to our society’s future. As our Holy Father Pope Francis said: ‘Young people are the window through which the future enters the world.’”

The event also celebrated the launch of new websites for Catholic schools, St. John’s Seminary and the Catholic Education Foundation, which aim to better serve students, parents and the Catholic community. The new Catholic schools website allows parents to search for schools with specific sports, programs and AP classes, based on zip code.

Dr. Kevin Baxter, superintendent of Catholic schools, said, “We are excited to be relaunching our website, which is a reflection of our commitment to integrating technology throughout our schools so that students are well prepared for the 21st century world.”

Angelus News