Every year, usually on the First Sunday of Lent, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles celebrates the Rite of Election at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. It is called election because the Church’s acceptance is founded on the election by God, in whose name the Church acts. In this celebration, the godparents of the catechumens are called upon to give testimony that their godchild has faithfully responded to God’s word and has begun to live their life in the spirit of the Gospel. After testimony is given by the godparents and the assembly affirms their readiness, the archbishop declares the Act of Election and the assembly offers special intercessions. The ceremony then closes with a special prayer over the elect.
This year, the archdiocese had a record number of 1,828 adults and children of a catechetical age celebrate the Rite of Election either at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels or in the Santa Barbara Pastoral Region.
During Lent, those preparing to celebrate the Sacraments of Initiation at the coming Easter Vigil enter into a period of spiritual preparation. They no longer focus on the teachings of the Church as they did during the catechumenate; now the emphasis is spiritual preparation, that is deepening their personal relationship with God and living in the spirit of the Gospel of Jesus more purposefully.