Prishes throughout California are continuing their efforts to defeat Senate Bill 131, legislation that repeals the statute of limitations for claims of childhood sexual abuse.In the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, parishioners at 105 parishes that are located in the districts of seven Assemblymembers who serve on the Appropriations Committee — where SB 131 is currently being heard — are especially encouraged to contact their legislators. Those members include Mike Gatto (chair, 43rd District), Raul Bocanegra (39th), Chris Holden (41st), Jimmy Gomez (51st), Ian Calderon (57th), Steven Bradford (62nd) and Isadore Hall III (64th). Altogether, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles includes portions of 26 Assembly district and 14 Senate districts.The effort — in Vietnamese, Korean, Spanish and English — is being coordinated by Deacons Manny Martinez, Scott Palmer and Manuel Valencia with the help of the regional deacons, working with pastors and deacons to make presentations on SB-131 at these parishes. Previous efforts, including emails, “made an impact in the Senate,” says a message from the California Catholic Conference on its website. “They influenced many Senators to vote NO or not to vote at all, so please click ‘Take Action’ now to tell your Assembly Member to stop this bill!”The Senate passed the measure May 29, though opponents noted that the vote was only 21-10 in favor — just over half of the 40-member Senate saying “yes” — with eight abstentions (one seat is currently vacant). If approved by the Assembly Appropriations Committee, it would be sent to the full Assembly sometime this summer. SB 131, by Sen. Jim Beall of Campbell, would (effective Jan. 1, 2014) retroactively eliminate the civil statute of limitations against private schools and private employers in claims involving childhood sexual abuse. It calls for extending the statute of limitation to age 43 for a victim to sue the person who abused them. The California Catholic Conference is among the entities and organizations which oppose SB 131, asserting that the bill is discriminatory against both private institutions and victims who were allegedly abused in public institutions.“SB 131 will prevent most of today’s victims from ever getting their day in court,” the CCC states. “Victims who were abused by teachers or other public school workers are not covered by the bill. Public schools cannot be sued for any abuse that took place before 2009.”Also opposing SB 131 are the California Association of Private School Organizations, the California State Alliance of YMCAs, the California Police Activities League, the California Council of Nonprofit Organizations (CCNO), the California Association of Joint Power Authorities and other religious organizations and private schools.For more background on SB 131 and information on how to contact your Assembly Member, visit and click on “Resources for Faithful Citizens.”To view the California Catholic Conference’s “Action Alert,” visit (for SB 131).