“Feminist Bioethics and the Concept of Parenthood in the Age of Reproduction,” a lecture by Dr. Hille Haker of Loyola University (Chicago), will be presented Feb. 6, 7-8:30 p.m. at Loyola Marymount University’s Ahmanson Auditorium (University Hall).

Haker, the Richard McCormick S.J. Chair of Moral Theology at Loyola, will address the moral complexities that women face in their struggle for reproductive autonomy, and offer her reflection on prospective and prenatal parenthood in addition to reproductive rights and family care. Dr. Rachel Washburn, LMU assistant professor of sociology, has been invited to respond.

Presented by LMU’s Bioethics Institute, the event is open to the public. LMU is located at 1 LMU Dr., Los Angeles. For information, call (310) 338-4205.

‘Old fashioned Revival’ set Feb. 1 at St. Raphael

Deacon Mark Race, of St. Bernadette Church, will lead “The Joy of the Gospel: An Old-Fashioned Revival” on Feb. 1, 3-6 p.m. at St. Raphael Church, 942 W. 70th St., Los Angeles.

Designed to “experience the message of Pope Francis,” the afternoon will include song, testimonies, Eucharistic adoration and fellowship. Information: (323) 758-7100.

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