Last January, the archdiocese celebrated the many years of service to the church for 143 women and men in religious orders who this year have celebrated jubilees ranging from 25 to 80 years.Many were present at the annual Jubilarian Mass celebrated at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, during which their service, in a wide diversity of ministries, was praised by Cardinal Roger Mahony and acknowledged by all in attendance.This week, The Tidings features the men and women honored in January who were serving in Los Angeles in 2011; they are listed alphabetically. (If names have been omitted, or if you know of other jubilarians in the archdiocese who have not been acknowledged in The Tidings, please send information to The Tidings, attn. Editorial, 3424 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010, or email [email protected].)WomenSister Maria Dolores Aguilera, MC; Sister Donna Marie Appert, SND; Sister Anita Joseph Aragon, CSJ; Sister Mary Rose Anthony Ballard, SND; Sister Patricia Margaret Barnard, CSJ; Sister Marilyn Louise Binder, CSJ; Sister Mary Andre Bradley, CSJ; Sister Thelma Brennan, DC.Sister Veronica Brutosky, CSJ; Sister Deborah Marie Butcher, OP; Sister Rita Carroll, SSL; Sister Evelyn Cartmell, SSND; Sister Teresa Ann Coronas, CSJ; Sister Julia Costello, DMJ; Sister Georgette Coulumbe, OP; Sister Mary Rose Creegan, DMJ; Sister Carlotta DiLorenzo, CSJ.Sister Martha Louise Dischner, CSJ; Sister Corita Eisenbeiss, CSJ; Sister Mary Catherine Fearon, CSJ; Sister Una Feeney, SSS; Sister Helen Clare Fenton, CSJ; Sister Mary Constance Fitzgerald, CSJ; Sister Iris Flores, OCJ; Sister Miguel Jose Garcia, PCC; Sister Fay Hagen, CSJ.Sister Vincent Marie Finnegan, OCD; Sister Mary Josephine Glynn, SJC; Sister Frances Fisher, DMJ; Sister Margery Flynn, RSHM; Sister Joanne Clare Gallagher, CSJ; Sister Patricia Geoghegan, DC; Sister Donna LeeAnn Gibbs, CSJ; Sister Beatruiz Gomez, SdeM; Sister Maureen Gunning, MM.Sister Carmel Therese Gutierrez, CSJ; Sister Mary Elizabeth Guyette, CSJ; Sister Patricia Hafey, MM; Sister Gretchen Hailer, RSHM; Sister Bernadette Higa, MM; Sister Mary Louise Higa, MM; Sister Mary Francis Hopcus, CSSF; Sister Clotilde Jardim, LSP; Sister Katherine Jones, PBVM.Sister Sara Kane, CSJ; Sister Anne Kelly, SSL; Sister Joan Keltus, SSS; Sister Teresa Kenny, SJC; Sister M. Timothea Kingston, CSC; Sister Mary Ellen Kowalski, CSJ; Sister Patricia Krommer, CSJ; Sister Deborah Lorentz, SSS; Sister Claude Lynch, SSL; Sister Charlene Mader, OSF.Sister Yolanda Magallanes, SDSH; Sister Ena Maguire, SJC; Sister Lucy Malarkey, SHCJ; Sister Joan Malherek, MM; Sister Mary Antonine Manning, SND; Sister Teresa Markey, SSL; Sister Kathleen Mary McCarthy, CSJ; Sister Barbara Ann McConnell, CSJ; Sister Kathleen McDonough, SNJM.Sister Brigid Mary McGuire, DMJ; Sister Kathleen McHugh, RSHM; Sister Laurence Monohan RSHM; Sister Joan Mary Moore, RSHM; Sister Mary Immaculate Moose, SND; Sister Marie Virginia Morett, CSJ; Sister Loretto Moynihan, SJC; Sister Barbara Mullen, SHCJ; Sister Anne Murphy, SSL.Sister Marguerite Murphy, BVM; Sister Laetitia O’Donoghue, SJC; Sister Margaret O’Rourke, DMJ; Sister Chris Ortiz, MM; Sister Sylvia Parks, DC; Sister Frances Pedersen, SNJM; Sister Ana M. Perez, OCJ; Sister Imelda Marie Petit, OCD; Sister M. Luz Pichardo, PDDM; Sister Theresa Reis, SNdeN.Sister Marie Rodriguez, OCD; Sister Maria Dolores Ruelas, SchP; Sister Ellen Marie Ryan, CSJ; Sister Nuala Ryan, SSL; Sister Chiara Marie St. Germain, PCC; Sister Laura Maripaz Sanchez, SSP; Sister Mary Schneider, CSJ; Sister Judith Schomisch, DC; Sister Margaret Scurry, RSHM.Sister Madeleine Sheejan, DMJ; Sister Marjorie Shelvy, DC; Sister Mary Ann Stark, SNJM; Sister Donna Storms, FSPA; Sister Virginia Stuart, SNJM; Sister Mary Joseph Suter, DC; Sister Marie Dositea Torres, OCD; Sister M. Antoinette Vazquez, PDDM; Sister Genevieve Vigil, SJC; Sister Marie Bernadette Walsh, CSJ; Sister Mary Joanne Wittenburg, SND.MenFather Robert Bishop, CMF; Father Giovanni Bizzoto, CS; Father John A. Brady, SJ; Father Michael Brooks, SS.CC; Father Eduard Broom, OMV; Father James V. Brown, OAR.Father Augustine Carter, O.Carm.; Father Patrick Coyle, SS.CC; Father Joseph Daries, CMF; Father Peter Diliberto, CM; Father Luke Dysinger, OSB; Father Theo Fuentes, CMF.Father Paul Goni, OAR; Father David Greib, OP; Father Jeremiah Holland, SS.CC; Father Robert Huse, OAR; Father Antonio Iroz, OAR; Father Rene Juarez, OFM.Father Isaac Kalina, OSB; Father Hyacinth Kennedy, OSF; Father William Kenny, CSP; Father Donald Lavelle, CMF; Father Domingo Machado OAR; Father Alejandro Magallanes, OFM Cap.Father Terrance L. Mahan, SJ; Father Thomas Messner, OFM; Father Ermete Nazzani, CS; Father Robert Bellarmine Pfisterer, OFM; Father Alan Phillip, CP; Father Alfred Pooler, CP.Father Frank Pyka, CMF; Father William J. Rewak, SJ; Father Robert E. Scholla, SJ; Father Joseph Screbo, SA; Father Michael Walsh, OFM Cap.{gallery width=100 height=100}gallery/2011/1007/religiousjubs/{/gallery}

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