On June 9, Archbishop José H. Gómez will ordain 14 men to the Sacred Order of Deacon at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. Those to be ordained and their wives have undergone a five-year period of formation in preparation for the ministry. They will be assigned to their home parishes. 

This year’s Los Angeles class is named for Dorothy Day, the renowned social activist who helped establish the Catholic Worker movement in the 1930s to serve the poor and advocate for peace and justice. She was named a Servant of God by Pope John Paul II in 2000 when the pope granted the archdiocese of New York permission to open her cause for sainthood.

Following are brief profiles of the new deacon couples, including some of their present ministries of charity and justice.

Robert and Carol Ashe, Blessed Kateri Church, Santa Clarita. Robert is a computer technical specialist and Carol is an Advanced Nurse Practitioner. They are both lectors as well as instructors for baptism preparation classes. As a deacon, Robert hopes to serve in hospital ministry.

Ron and Patti Baker, Holy Family Church, Glendale. Ron works for AT&T and Patti owns her own floral business. Both are members of the parish liturgy committee and are involved in serving the homeless. They also volunteer in the Salvation Army Food Pantry.

Joseph and Theresa Bernal, St. Francis Xavier Church, Pico Rivera: Joe is an electronic technician for the U.S. Postal Service while Theresa is a homemaker. Together they assist in baptism liturgies and are involved in ministries of Restorative Justice. Joe also serves in the parish bereavement ministry.  

Peter and Janet Brause, St. Louise de Marillac Church, Covina. Peter is a contract negotiation manager for Xerox Corporation and Janet is a homemaker. Their ministries of charity include detention and prison ministry as well as bereavement ministry.

James and Teresa Carper, St. Peter Claver Church, Simi Valley. Jim is a development and stewardship consultant. Teresa works as a project manager for Farmers Insurance Group. Together they serve in hospice care/counseling as well as in detention ministry. Jim also coordinates an online prayer ministry.

Victor and Angelica Cruz, St. Albert the Great Church, West Rancho Dominguez.  Victor is a welder and Angelica is a homemaker. Victor’s ministry of charity is bringing communion to the sick.

Gregory and Tina Halamicek, Sacred Heart Church, Lancaster. Greg is a computer scientist and Tina is a special education teacher. Together they promote vocations in their parish and minister to senior citizens.

Philip and Rene Luevanos, St. Dorothy Church, Glendora. Phil is retired and Rene works as a secretary. They are ministry coordinators and bereavement ministers in their parish.

Michael Morgan, St. Ambrose Church, West Hollywood. Michael is general manager for Far Niente Ristorante in Glendale. He is chair of the Parish Council, vocations coordinator, bereavement minister and visits the sick.

Thien Pham and Hanh Nguyen, St. Lucy Church, Long Beach. Thien is an irrigation specialist and Hanh is an accountant. Their ministry of charity is visiting the sick. Thien is also involved in bereavement ministry and Hanh volunteers in feeding the homeless in the St. Lucy Marian Center.

Dominic and Patricia Pontrelli, Incarnation Church, Glendale. Dominic owns a sausage manufacturing company and Patti is a housewife. Together they are involved in bereavement ministry and ministry to the elderly and are members of the parish Peace and Justice Committee. 

Jorge and Amelia Ramos, St. Anthony Church, Long Beach. Jorge is an elementary school teacher and Amelia is the parish business manager. Jorge’s spends time in homeless and bereavement ministries and hopes to continue in these as a deacon.  

Jose and Celina Rodriguez, St. Louis of France Church, La Puente. Jose is a production scheduler and Celina is a driver for East Valley Community Medical Clinic. They serve in their parish visiting the sick, helping in homeless ministry, and as Eucharistic ministers.

Fausto and Maria Dolores Sanchez, St. Andrew Church, Pasadena. Fausto is a video/film editor and Maria is an office manager. Together they participate in St. Vincent de Paul ministry and in bereavement ministry

For information on Diaconate ministry, call the Office of Diaconate Formation, (213) 637-7383, or visit www.archdiocese.la/ministry/deacons. 

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