The Catholic press versus the ‘regime’

In his analysis of the state of Catholic journalism in the June 3 issue (“A question of distance?”), John Allen is absolutely correct in noting that similarly to St. Titus Brandsma during Nazism, “Catholic journalists face the challenge of resisting a different sort of ideological regime, one that not-so-subtly seeks to turn reporting into an extension of politics by other means.”

I would add that this problem exists on both ends of the ideological spectrum in the Church today. Some conservative Catholic media outlets seem to be profiting from their constant criticisms of the Holy Father, including for his attempts to promote the liturgical renewal of the Second Vatican Council.

Meanwhile, progressive Catholic media sources often push an agenda that downplays the importance of opposing sins like abortion, and appear to be campaigning for a reversal of the Church’s magisterial teaching on marriage.

That said, I am grateful to Angelus for its faithful and respectful coverage of some of the most sensitive issues in the Church right now.

— Teresa M. White, West LA

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