Please thank Dr. Grazie Pozo Christie for one of the finest pieces I have read on this topic.
Depression certainly ensues after many abortions, but I would suggest that most of the time it is a result of the male partner not being willing to fully commit to a permanent relationship with the mother and child.
Most males will say anything to get access to sex, and often change their tune when a pregnancy occurs. I don’t know what Catholic boys are being taught these days in that regard, but it’s as old a story as human history.
Girls often pretend to desire sex in the hope that it will cement the relationship into something more permanent. Then they become pregnant, the male doesn’t step up, and to save their parents shame or out of other fears, they resort to abortion. No wonder they are depressed!
Some straight talk on this dynamic would go a long way toward getting at the real reason for many of these abortions, and I thank Dr. Christie for her insightful contributions to Angelus.
-Constance White, Pasadena
RE: True tolls of the culture of death
Hannah Swenson Jan 31, 2020
Please thank Dr. Grazie Pozo Christie for one of the finest pieces I have read on this topic. Depression certainly...