Letters to the Editor

Kudos on critical review of 'The Order'

Thanks for John Miller's article on "The Order." I was raised Catholic and am a devout, but non-Catholic - follower of Jesus. I am also a Daniel Silva fan, but the author is wrong in his argument that the Gospels are the reason behind history’s anti-semitism. I am pleased that you published this review and like you, hope that Mr. Silva gets things right in his next Allon novel. -Steven Parrillo, Plymouth, PA

The Cry of the Murdered

This letter to the editor is regarding “Consistently Controversial" by John Allen in the Sept 18-25, 2020 issue of Angelus. I am convert from the Lutheran Christian faith to Roman Catholic because it was a clear and consistent ideology that I found very close to my own. I therefore had to comment on this article, which stabs deep in my heart. My heart reaches out to the humans who are murdered before they even have a chance to make their way into this world. It grieves me tremendously that the Church,  which is to be the body of Christ, cannot stand up and say that they are for life. The life that the Father has given them and us. We are in this world together and we are not separated into compartments of political and nonpolitical, it is life on Earth, the mortal life that God gave to all of us and it is his will that we may live in peace and enjoy his gifts. Where is the problem in taking a clear stand on that issue? In the latest issue of the Angelus, John Allen makes a comment suggesting that a vote for Biden gives the pro-murder side advantage and a vote for Trump is just "a vote for Trump." Is Allen completely ignorant? We vote for the person who is for life. A vote for the murder side will not hold a good, but will go down as a great sin for assisting the side of death and evil. How can you be called a Roman Catholic if you profess that Murder is something you approve of and will support? We are Children of life with Christ, our Lord, the giver of life. May God the Father have mercy on us for our luck warm positions that offends him. -Carl Mossberg Palos Verdes, CA

'The Order' review addresses anti-Christian concerns

I am a huge fan of Daniel Silva’s Gabriel Allon books. But after reading the summary of “The Order,” I became concerned. I Googled reviews of the book, specifically to see if it is anti-Christian. The first link to appear was your article by John J. Miller, entitled “Nonsense and disorder in ‘The Order.’”

I wanted to compliment you on that article. It addressed my concerns nicely. I am hoping Mr. Silva has read your article and reflected on the points that are raised. I agree that this parallels Dan Brown’s works of several years ago. I read those novels too, enjoying the intrigue and action, but getting madder and madder by the minute with all the attacks on my faith.

I’m in a quandary now, for I want to read Silva’s book (after all, it is a Gabriel Allon adventure), but I’m afraid I’ll just get angry at it.

Thank you for your article. Hopefully it will not fall on deaf ears.

— Jeff Star

Praying for LA's newest priests

Thank you for the outstanding July 31-August 7 issue of Angelus. The pictures showed the transitional deacons so well, and their biographies were very well-written. Archbishop Gomez had good things to say about them as well in his column The deacons will treasure that copy all their lives. Since they will dedicate their lives to God and to work in the archdiocese, they surely deserve all the important effort to produce this issue.  For over a year, I have been praying for these deacons in a special way. They are so greatly needed by the Church. I will continue to pray for them every day.  Thanks for paying tribute to our new priests. May God bless you and your good work.  — Rosemary Perry

Why Padre Serra is so important

I enjoyed reading Msgr. Antall's article on Padre Serra. I don’t believe we should be pressured into removing Padre Serra’s statue, as is the case here in Ventura.  Leaders should launch in-person or online seminars for the community describing what Serra attempted to do and avoid closed-door discussions and decisions. It would be good for the bishops to develop a comprehensive program in California to explain to the communities why Padre Serra is so important. Of all the notable California figures, Serra was, I think, the most altruistic. By the way, Serra did not start work as an academic.  In his youth he knew well the agricultural world in Mallorca and its hard physical labor.  This made him all the stronger and ready to apply the best agricultural methods, including the building of aqueducts to ensure a steady source of water, in Alta California. - Laura Roberts

Rolheiser's message is one everyone needs to hear

Brilliant and timely article by Fr. Ron Rolheiser on "Our deep failure in charity." This is the kind of message I've been trying to communicate to some of my very pious friends who are enamored of Archbishop Vigano and others whose messages foster division and hatred. Unfortunately, Fr. Rolheiser's message of unity and love will fall on deaf ears, the very ears that need to hear it. Thank God for Archbishop José Gomez and for our Holy Father Pope Francis. We are blessed to have such leaders in our Church today. - Marilyn Boussaid


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