After reading Russell Shaw’s article, “Striving for coherence,” I felt compelled to congratulate those U.S. bishops who are not afraid to speak the truth, and have issued statements strongly arguing that politicians who support abortion should not receive communion.
For those bishops who believe that anything the bishops say may be viewed as political, I say this is why U.S. bishops have lost their moral authority. We Catholics look to our bishops to speak and take a stand for the truth, defending our faith, regardless of which political party they may offend, reminding us as Catholics to live and act in a manner that is consistent with the precepts of our faith, guiding us from not only advocating grave moral sins like abortion, but respecting life from conception through natural death.
— Gayle Danko, St. Mary Magdalen Church, Camarillo
Congratulations, American bishops
Hannah Swenson Jun 21, 2021
After reading Russell Shaw’s article, “Striving for coherence,” I felt compelled to congratulate those U.S. bishops who are not afraid...