Letters to the Editor

Admiration from this side of the Mississippi

Thank you for the wonderful, uplifting article on AngelusNews.com on the eucharistic procession that made history crossing the Mississippi River from Iowa to Illinois. There is nothing like a peaceful public display of faith as a way to preach the Gospel and give glory to God. Marilyn Boussaid, St. James Church, Redondo Beach

A marriage story that rings true

Jenny Gorman Patton’s article in the Oct. 21 issue, “Where love remains,” resonated with me so much! I married my non-Catholic, Methodist-raised husband in 1982. He agreed to let me raise our children Catholic — in his words, “it was close enough to Christian.”  By 1995 at the Easter Vigil, he had joined the Catholic Church after seeing the outreach programs at the parish I attended, St. Lawrence Martyr Church in Redondo Beach. In 2004, he joined the diaconate program and was ordained in 2009. For all those years, I never pushed him, never asked him to come to Mass, just quietly took our children. Apparently it was God that opened his eyes to the community, to the words in the Bible, and the wonderfulness of the Eucharist. Kim Sheckler, St. Lawrence Martyr Church, Redondo Beach

In defense of the Notre Dame I know

As someone who is impressed with Angelus week after week, I was gravely disappointed in Robert Brennan’s column in the October 7 issue, “Thoughts on a South Bend conversion.”  The article was ostensibly about the Catholic conversion of Notre Dame’s football coach, but the piece actually said nothing about the man. Instead, it took a series of cheap shots at the university, questioning its Catholic charism.   As the father of a young man who attends Mass every week of his own accord — one who graduated this spring from Notre Dame along with 12 of his Loyola High School classmates — I can assure your readers that the Catholic faith is alive and well at Our Lady’s university.  — Dr. Patrick Whelan, Corpus Christi, Pacific Palisades

It’s true: Amazon’s ‘Rings of Power’ has a philosophy problem

As the first season of “The Rings of Power” winds down, I find that Stefano Rebeggiani’s assessment of the series in the Sept. 23 issue has proven correct: None of J.R.R. Tolkien’s “aesthetic and philosophical impact” is anywhere to be found in the show. Whereas there was still some hope for future character development and a deepening of “Tolkienian themes” in the first two episodes, that is now gone. The series’ shallow characters seem to stumble from episode to episode while major plot holes go unexplained. Perhaps our society is no longer able to ponder the existential questions that formed the heart of Tolkien’s mythology. — Laura Carey, Playa del Rey

Don’t judge ‘Rings of Power’ so quickly

I was expecting to agree strongly with Stefano Rebeggiani’s review of “The Rings of Power” in the Sept. 23 issue, but I find myself defending the show. As I read it, the review argues that the show is failing to exhibit Tolkien’s philosophy, and where it does, waters it down to the point of cliché. I believe that judgment is premature. One indispensable element of Tolkien’s “philosophy” is that the story always comes first. If we had a clear sense of the “moral of the story” after roughly three hours of the planned 50, we would be in flagrant violation of that central principle. As for the argument that the similarities between the Second Age of Middle Earth and today’s world “are too obvious to be ignored”: The more the show stays within its own world, the better. Any attempt at allegory will undoubtedly be of the Trump-is-Sauron variety. Its absence thus far has been one of the show’s redeeming (or at least non-damning) qualities. — Andy Lessard, St. Therese Church, Alhambra

An anniversary worth celebrating

I was delighted to read Angelus’ coverage of the 30th anniversary of the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)in the Sept. 23 issue.  The Archdiocese of Los Angeles enjoys an important connection to the CCC: the future Cardinal William Levada served on the commission that St. Pope John Paul II established to compile the text. Levada was first a priest and later an auxiliary bishop in Los Angeles.  I am not so sure about the claim that the CCC risks becoming some kind of a “sacred relic.” But I do wonder how many Catholic religious leaders and instructors are very familiar with its contents. People often look for answers without realizing that they may be found in the CCC.  Archbishop José H. Gomez stated rightly in his article that “the catechism is a great witness to our hope in Jesus Christ.” Therefore, I echo the voice heard by St. Augustine: “Pick up and read.” — Msgr. Laurence J. Spiteri, Vatican City


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