Diving deeper into the world of St. Joseph

A big thanks to Mike Aquilina for a wonderful article on St. Joseph. I liked it so much that I immediately ordered Aquilina’s new book, “St. Joseph and His World” (Scepter Publishers, $12).

I already finished the book, both because it’s short, and because I couldn’t put it down. It covered everything but without excess baggage. I’ve always been devoted to St. Joseph, but now I can actually understand why. He has become a more real person, and more important, thanks to Aquilina’s book.

Aquilina does a great job incorporating the Old Testament background and the “Jewishness” of St. Joseph. It helps put into perspective the “lowliness” of Mary, who was not the “boss” of the family, although we may sometimes think so.

This week, I’ll be taking the book to a homebound friend so that she can also experience getting to know St. Joseph better. It will be on top of my list of Lenten/Easter gifts and recommendations for friends. I've even considered sending a copy to my Jewish family (I am the only Catholic, being a convert).

Thanks again for a well-researched project.

- Marilyn Boussaid, St. James Parish, Redondo Beach

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