An anniversary worth celebrating

I was delighted to read Angelus’ coverage of the 30th anniversary of the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)in the Sept. 23 issue. 

The Archdiocese of Los Angeles enjoys an important connection to the CCC: the future Cardinal William Levada served on the commission that St. Pope John Paul II established to compile the text. Levada was first a priest and later an auxiliary bishop in Los Angeles. 

I am not so sure about the claim that the CCC risks becoming some kind of a “sacred relic.” But I do wonder how many Catholic religious leaders and instructors are very familiar with its contents. People often look for answers without realizing that they may be found in the CCC. 

Archbishop José H. Gomez stated rightly in his article that “the catechism is a great witness to our hope in Jesus Christ.” Therefore, I echo the voice heard by St. Augustine: “Pick up and read.”

— Msgr. Laurence J. Spiteri, Vatican City

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