A marriage story that rings true

Jenny Gorman Patton’s article in the Oct. 21 issue, “Where love remains,” resonated with me so much! I married my non-Catholic, Methodist-raised husband in 1982. He agreed to let me raise our children Catholic — in his words, “it was close enough to Christian.” 

By 1995 at the Easter Vigil, he had joined the Catholic Church after seeing the outreach programs at the parish I attended, St. Lawrence Martyr Church in Redondo Beach. In 2004, he joined the diaconate program and was ordained in 2009.

For all those years, I never pushed him, never asked him to come to Mass, just quietly took our children. Apparently it was God that opened his eyes to the community, to the words in the Bible, and the wonderfulness of the Eucharist.

Kim Sheckler, St. Lawrence Martyr Church, Redondo Beach

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