Thanks to Greg Erlandson for his column in the Feb. 21 issue setting Vice President J.D. Vance straight on Catholic teaching, and even more, for reminding him of the Gospel.
The Sermon on the Mount is so much closer to the heart of Jesus than any erroneous interpretation of the ordo amoris. As Pope Francis noted in his recent letter to the U.S. bishops: “The true ordo amoris that must be promoted is that which we discover by meditating constantly on the parable of the ‘Good Samaritan’ (cf. Luke 10:25–37), that is, by meditating on the love that builds a fraternity open to all, without exception.”
—Father Thomas P. Rausch, S.J., Distinguished Scholar in Theology, Loyola Marymount University
Reminding our Catholic VP of the Gospel
Angelus Staff Feb 24
Thanks to Greg Erlandson for his column in the Feb. 21 issue setting Vice President J.D. Vance straight on Catholic...