Holy Week 2019

As they do every year, the liturgies, rites, and processions of this year's Holy Week drew thousands of Catholics to parishes around the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Here's a look at Archbishop José H. Gomez's busy week, starting from Palm Sunday and culminating at Easter Mass.

Faithful enter the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels during the Palm Sunday procession at the start of Mass on April 14. VICTOR ALEMÁN
Priests from across the archdiocese gather to celebrate the Chrism Mass April 15 at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. VICTOR ALEMÁN
Eucharistic adoration in the cathedral chapel following the Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday. VICTOR ALEMÁN
Vicky Samia holds a crucifix as faithful take turns venerating it on Good Friday. VICTOR ALEMÁN
A dog and its owner are blessed with holy water during the "Blessing of the Animals" at the historic La Placita Olvera on Holy Saturday. VICTOR ALEMÁN
A woman is confirmed by Archbishop José H. Gomez during the Easter Vigil Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. VICTOR ALEMÁN
The Cathedral of our Lady of the Angels was filled on Easter Sunday morning. VICTOR ALEMÁN

You can view the full album of #HolyWeekLA images here.

You can watch the full playlist of #HolyWeekLA videos here.

In our Easter issue, contributing editor Mike Aquilina takes us back to the experience of the primitive Church to understand why the vigil was “the night of nights” for those Christians — and why it should still be for us, too. Contributing writer Caitlin Yoshiko Kandil speaks to local catechumens about their road to conversion and why they’re looking forward to the “new life” of the baptism they’ll receive at this year’s Easter Vigil.

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