Here is a selection of recent releases that might be suitable for your spiritual reading during Advent, which begins Dec. 1, and the Christmas season:—"Advent and Christmas Wisdom from St. Augustine" by Agnes Cunningham, SSCM. Liguori Publications (Liguori, Mo., 2013). 102 pp., $11.99.—"The Art of Pausing: Meditations for the Overworked and Overwhelmed" by Judith Valente, Brother Paul Quenon, OSCO and Michael Bever. ACTA Publications (Chicago, 2013). 215 pp., $14.95.—"Encountering Jesus in Word, Sacraments and Works of Charity" by Msgr. Peter J. Vaghi. Ave Maria Press (Notre Dame, Ind., 2013). 128 pp., $12.95.—"God's Bucket List: Heaven's Surefire Way to Happiness in This Life and Beyond" by Teresa Tomeo. Image Books (New York, 2013). 176 pp., $17.99.—"Faith Beginnings: Family Nurturing From Birth Through Preschool" by Michele E. Chronister and Amy M. Garro. Liguori Publications (Liguori, Mo., 2013). 140 pp., $14.99.—"Startled by God: Wisdom From Unexpected Places" by Joe McHugh. Franciscan Media (Cincinnati, 2013). 122 pp., $14.99.—"On a Mission: Lessons From St. Francis de Sales" by Patrick Madrid. Servant Books (Cincinnati, 2013). 138 pp., $15.99.—"Open Mind, Faithful Heart: Reflections on Following Jesus" by Pope Francis. Translated by Joseph V. Owens, SJ. Herder & Herder (New York, 2013). 297 pp., $29.95.—"When Faith Feels Fragile: Help for the Wary, Weak and Wandering" by R. Scott Hurd. Pauline Books and Media (Boston, 2013). 208 pp., $12.95.—"The Catholic Prayer Book," compiled by Msgr. Michael Buckley and edited by Tony Castle. Servant Books (Cincinnati, 2013). 319 pp., $14.99. —"Advent with St. Francis: Daily Reflections" by Diane M. Houdek. Franciscan Media (Cincinnati, 2013). 98 pp., $3.99.—"The Advent of Christ: Scripture Reflections to Prepare for Christmas" by Edward Sri. Servant Books (Cincinnati, 2013). 99 pp., $12.99.—"Atchison Blue: A Search for Silence, a Spiritual Home and a Living Faith" by Judith Valente. Sorin Books (Notre Dame, Ind., 2013). 181 pp., $15.95.—"The Transforming Power of Faith" by Pope Benedict XVI. Ignatius Press (San Francisco, 2013). 109 pp., $14.95.—"Mind Your Body, Work Your Soul" by Clare Strockbine. Liguori Publications (Liguori, Mo., 2013). 143 pp., $14.99.—"Goulash, Garage Sales & God" by Bernadette McCarver Snyder. Liguori Publications (Liguori, Mo., 2013). 123 pp., $9.99.—"The Power of Daily Prayer: The Way to Experience God's Love" by Bert Ghezzi. Word Among Us Press (Ann Arbor, Mich., 2013). 159 pp., $11.95.—"The Miraculous Medal: Stories, Prayers and Devotions" by Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle. Servant Books (Cincinnati, 2013). 131 pp., $14.99.—"One in the Lord: Living Our Call to Christian Community" by Susan Muto. New City Press (Hyde Park, N.Y., 2013). 110 pp., $12.95.—"The Prayer: Unlock a Life Full of Miracles, Unconditional Love and Answered Prayers" by Jacqueline Mary von Zwehl. Johann Press (Fort Lauderdale, Fla., 2013). 241 pp., $14.95.—"Walking the Disciple's Path: Eight Steps That Will Change Your Life and the World" by Linda Perrone Rooney. Ave Maria Press (Notre Dame, Ind., 2013). 160 pp., $13.95.—"Honoring the Void: Meditations on the Meaning of Life from Maryknoll Magazine" by Joseph R. Veneroso. Orbis Books (Maryknoll, N.Y., 2013). 167 pp., $20.—"Strange Gods: Unmasking the Idols in Everyday Life" by Elizabeth Scalia. Ave Maria Press (Notre Dame, Ind., 2013). 168 pp., $14.95.—"Real Men Pray the Rosary: A Practical Guide to a Powerful Prayer" by David N. Calvillo. Ave Maria Press (Notre Dame, Ind., 2013). 134 pp., $12.95.—"Eyes of the Heart: Photography as a Christian Contemplative Practice" by Christine Valters Paintner. Sorin Books (Notre Dame, Ind., 2013). 143 pp., $15.95.—"Winning the Battle Against Sin: Hope-Filled Lessons from the Bible" by Father Mitch Pacwa, SJ. Word Among Us Press (Ann Arbor, Mich., 2013). 180 pp., $12.95.—"Prayer: Our Deepest Longing" by Ronald Rolheiser. Franciscan Media (Cincinnati, 2013). 64 pp., $8.99.—"Running Hard, Finishing Strong: 7 Steps to Building Momentum in Your Spiritual Life" by Rick Sarkisian. Our Sunday Visitor (Huntington, Ind., 2013). 111 pp., $12.95.—"Carry On In Faith" by Thomas P. Leiker. Liguori Publications (Liguori, Mo., 2013). 105 pp., $10.99.—"Six Sacred Rules for Families: A Spirituality for the Home" by Tim & Sue Muldoon. Ave Maria Press (Notre Dame, Ind., 2013). 160 pp., $14.95.—"Celebrating Mary: A Collection of Praises and Prayers." Word Among Us Press (Ann Arbor, Mich., 2013). 141 pp., $11.95.—CNS

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Catholic News Service

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