This year, the Church throughout the United States celebrates Catechetical Sunday on September 18. The theme, “Do This in Memory of Me,” focuses on the Eucharist as the supreme catechetical and formational moment in the life of the community. All of our catechetical efforts prepare us to come to the table to be nourished by Word and Sacrament. We are sustained in our catechetical efforts by the strong belief that Jesus Christ is truly present in the Eucharist. Ministry of the Word is a fundamental element of evangelization because it involves the proclamation of Jesus Christ, the Word of Life. Sunday after Sunday, we gather around the Lord’s Table. The Table spread with gifts and hosted by Christ is a table rich in extravagant love and mercy. It is a table of many connections connected to the households of faith, connected to the catechizing community and connected to the table of the world. As catechetical leaders, we are called to remember that evangelizing catechesis is not a private search for the face of God, but rather a communal one — a sharing and participation in a common mission.As I reflect on the life, ministry and outreach of Jesus, it is clear he modeled a style of ministry that made significant connections with many tables, many personalities — the poor, the young, the old, the sinner, the one in need. He never embraced a path of isolation or assumed a lone ranger mentality. Rather, he gathered women and men around him and called them into a community of discipleship. We find this same ecclesial vision articulated at Vatican II as it focused on church as communio, inviting all into the mystery of relationship.As catechetical leaders, we too are called to remember that evangelizing catechesis is not a private search for the face of God, but rather a communal one — a sharing and participation in a common mission. This sharing in a common mission requires teamwork which in turn demands strong, life-giving, supportive and committed relationships. Edward Schillebeeckx once said, “What we dream alone remains a dream, but what we dream with others can become a reality.” I have learned that commitment to collaboration with all of its hopes and challenges mobilizes energy that enables partners in the ministry to claim their role in communal initiatives. Combining commitment to service, friendship, celebration and prayer is crucial in this endeavor. “Do This in Memory of Me” provides the opportunity not only to reflect on the beauty and mystery of Eucharist, but also to be moved to a more internal participation in this wonderful celebration. From the Eucharist, our catechetical community draws its spiritual power to carry out its mission. Indeed the Eucharist is not only about Sunday, it is the presence of Christ on Monday and beyond. With great gratitude for the gift and blessing of catechetical ministry, several hundred dedicated catechists and teachers, we will gather on Sept 18 at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels to celebrate and give thanks. Those who have completed basic and advanced courses in catechetical formation and Biblical Studies will be called forth and commissioned by Archbishop José Gomez to serve in the parishes of the Archdiocese. Called to do all that Jesus taught by his life, death and resurrection, these men and women scatter to connect with the table of the world. Their lives of dedicated service help make God’s love seen and heard as they work tirelessly through the power of the Spirit to transform this vast universe into a place of justice and peace. Religious Sister of Charity Edith Prendergast is director of the Office of Religious Education.

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