The Immaculate Heart Community recently celebrated 11 jubilarians who have served their order and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles for many years. On June 15, jubilarians and their families, friends, colleagues and former students gathered for a special Mass at Our Mother of Good Counsel Church, followed by a luncheon for all. 

Frances Snyder (Sister Maria Hostia) was honored for her 75 years as an IHM, during which she taught at several archdiocesan schools. Four members celebrated 70 year anniversaries: Teresa Briones (Sr. M. Gabriel), Leila Justen (Sr. M. Juanita), Ella Mae Lorack (Sr. Theophane), and Alexis Navarro (Sr. Marie Alexis), and two members celebrated 60 years: Maria Guadalupe Arroyo (Sr. Maria Joaquina) and Ellen Leonard (Sr. Malachy). These jubilarians taught in archdiocesan schools until 1968. From there, the sisters went on to teach in public schools and serve in parish ministries. 

Three other jubilees celebrated include Juliet Spohn Twomey, 20 years; Marisa Antonini, 15 years; and Lynn Enloe, 10 years. Next year, the community itself will celebrate its 50th anniversary. 

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