Reverend William Lowe died Friday, June 9, 2023. He was 84 years old.

Father Bill was originally ordained for the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Massachusetts on May 16, 1970. After entering the Catholic Church, he was ordained on May 6, 2007, for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and had the following assignments:

  • Priest Minister, Padre Serra Church, Camarillo
  • Civilian Chaplain, U.S. Navy Bases, Ventura County
  • Chaplain, St. John’s Hospital, Camarillo

His funeral Mass will be held Tuesday, June 27, at 7 p.m., at Padre Serra Church, 5205 Upland Rd., Camarillo, CA 93012. Reception at Padre Serra's Serra Center immediately following Mass. Father Bill will have. a private burial.

Condolence cards may be sent to Linda Lowe, Father Bill's wife, care of Padre Serra Parish at 5205 Upland Road, Camarillo, CA 93012. 

In charity and kindness, please remember Rev. Bill Lowe in your Masses and prayers.