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Mother Angelica’s health declines

Mother Angelica, founder of EWTN, is experiencing a decline in health to the point of requiring a feeding tube, her convent’s website reports. The retired charismatic sister, aged 92, experienced a debilitating stroke in 2001 and has since suffered fragile health.

“There were some up and down moments, and Mother has suffered a great deal these past months. She is quite a trouper,” the sisters of the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration posted online.

Born Rita Antionette Rizzo in Canton, Ohio, Mother Angelica came from a broken home after her father abandoned the family when she was only 6 years old. Mother Angelica decided to become a nun at age 15, eventually joining the Poor Clares as a postulant in 1944. Years later in the mid 70s, she began taping a Catholic TV series that eventually expanded into EWTN.

The sisters ask for continued prayers for Mother Angelica, saying, “Please keep Mother in your prayers as she continues to give her all to Jesus.”

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