The feast of the Holy Trinity is an invitation for us to commit to enriching our everyday relationships by promoting communion, consolation, and mercy, Pope Francis said during his weekly Sunday Angelus address.

"Our being created in the image and likeness of God-communion calls us to understand ourselves as beings-in-relation, and to live interpersonal relationships in solidarity and reciprocal love," the Pope told the pilgrims in St. Peter's Square.

"In this mission, we are sustained by the strength which the Holy Spirit gives us: this cures the flesh of humanity wounded by injustice, oppression, hate, and greed."

Pope Francis centered his May 22 Angelus address on the feast of the Holy Trinity, which is celebrated on the first Sunday after Pentecost.

Delivering his address from the papal palace to a packed square, the pontiff said the "'Divine Family' is not closed in on itself, but is open, communicates in creation and in history, and has entered into the world of men to call everyone to take part."

"The feast of the Most Holy Trinity invites us to commit ourselves in the everyday events in order to be the leaven of communion, of consolation, and of mercy."

Pope Francis explained how these relationships play out in ecclesial communities, families, friends, work colleagues, and the like.

These "are concrete occasions offered to us to build ever more humanly rich relationships, capable of reciprocal respect and selfless love."

The day's Gospel reading from John, he explained, is taken from a portion of Jesus' discourse shortly before his Passion, in which Christ outlines the relationship between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Knowing that he must fulfill the Father's plan through his own death and resurrection, Jesus assures the disciples that he will not abandon them, "because his mission will be continued by the Holy Spirit," the Pope said.

He said that Jesus explains how the "Holy Spirit guides us in understanding the many things which Jesus himself still has to say."

The Holy Spirit guides in new life situations, helping us to keep our gaze on Jesus, while being "open to events and to the future."

"He helps us walk in history, firmly rooted in the Gospel, and with dynamic fidelity to our traditions and customs."

"However, the mystery of the Trinity also speaks about us, our relationship with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit," Pope Francis said.

Through Baptism, "the Holy Spirit has placed in the heart and life of God, who is the communion of love," the pontiff said.

"God is a 'family' of three Persons who love each other so much as to form into one."

Finally, Pope Francis turned to Mary, "the mirror of the Trinity, to reenforce our faith in the Trinitarian Mystery, and to embody it with choices and attitudes of love and unity."

After leading the crowds in the Angelus prayer, the Pope acknowledged the beatification of Francesco Maria Greco, diocesan priest, founder of the Sisters Little Workers of the Sacred Hearts.

"We give thanks to God for this exemplary priest," he said, to rounds of applause from the crowd. "This applause is for many good priests who are here in Italy!"

Pope Francis also mentioned the First World Humanitarian Summit, set to take commence in Istanbul on Monday.

The aim of the gathering is to look at measures needed to address "the dramatic humanitarian situations caused by conflicts, environmental problems and extreme poverty," the pontiff said.

"We accompany with prayer the participants at that meeting, in order that they may fully commit themselves to the principle humanitarian goal: saving the life of every human being, without exception, especially the innocent and the defenseless."

Pope Francis observed that Tuesday, May 24, the Catholics of China celebrate the Mary Help of Christians, who is venerated at the Shrine of Sheshan in Shanghai. Saying that "we will unite spiritually to the Catholic faithful in China," on that day, he asked Mary "to give to her children in China the ability to discern at all times the signs of the loving presence of God, who always welcomes always forgives."

"In this Year of Mercy, Chinese Catholics, along with those who follow other noble religious traditions, can become a concrete sign of love and reconciliation," the pontiff said. "In this way, they may promote an authentic culture of encounter and harmony of the whole society, the harmony that so loves the Chinese spirit."

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