St. Agatha Church hosted a commemoration of the martyrdom of Blessed Oscar A. Romero, archbishop and martyr of El Salvador, on March 21-22.

During his life, Blessed Oscar Romero spoke out against the poverty, social injustice and assassinations suffered by his people during the 12-year civil war. He was assassinated on March 24, 1980, while celebrating Mass in the chapel of the Hospital of Divine Providence in San Salvador.

In 1997, Saint Pope John Paul II opened his cause for canonization after bestowing Blessed Romero with the title of Servant of God. Last year, Pope Francis declared Blessed Romero a martyr and approved his beatification, which took place on May 23 in San Salvador.

Guest speaker Giovanni Perez spoke at the event, addressing “Liberation Theology and Poverty Spirituality.” Perez is coordinator of elementary catechesis for the archdiocesan Office of Religious Education.

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