Pro-life pregnancy centers provided over $367.9 million worth of services in 2022

May 28, 2024 2 Min Read
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A new report found that 2,750 pro-life pregnancy resource centers in the United States provided nearly $367.9 million worth of life-affirming pregnancy services and material goods to clients and their families in 2022.

The report, published this month by the pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute, estimates that the total monetary value of the goods and services provided in 2022 was more than one-third — over $100 million — higher than the total value provided in 2019. This includes diapers, baby formula, ultrasounds, health care services, and education among a variety of other goods and services.

According to the report, this total includes nearly $176 million in free medical services, more than $113.3 million in free education and support services, and more than $78.5 million worth of material resource items. The report found that the centers provided more than 16 million virtual and in-person sessions with clients.

One example of major growth from 2019 to 2022 was a 194% increase in material services and baby items delivered to families. Other areas of growth included a 41% increase in attendees for parenting and prenatal education programs and a 27% increase in testing for sexually transmitted diseases and infections.

The report also found an 18% increase in paid staff from 2019 to 2022 and a 26% increase in paid medical staff. About 27% of paid staff — 4,779 people — have medical licenses and about 12% of volunteers — 5,396 people — have medical licenses. It also found that more than 80% of the pregnancy resource centers provided medical services.

Michael New, a senior association scholar at the Charlotte Lozier Institute, told CNA there has been more demand for services since the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022. He also said he has seen “an uptick in donations” and more funding from some state governments following the landmark 2022 decision at some centers, which has helped growth.

According to the report, the 2022 client exit surveys showed an extremely high satisfaction rate of 97.4%, which New said shows that clients “are happy with the assistance” they receive.

In spite of all of the services and goods offered — and the high self-reported rates of satisfaction — pregnancy resource centers have recently become targets of pro-abortion Democratic lawmakers and attorneys general. The most recent example is New York Attorney General Letitia James filing a lawsuit against 11 pregnancy resource centers.

The lawsuit against the centers accuses them of making “misleading” and “false” claims about the abortion pill reversal drug. Although several studies have found evidence that the drug can reverse the effects of chemical abortions in some instances, James referenced disputes about the drug’s effectiveness to assert the centers were making “misleading” and “false” claims.

The Charlotte Lozier Institute report noted that between 2019 and 2022, pregnancy resource centers provided 142% more abortion pill reversal drugs.

New told CNA that the Democratic Party has moved “sharply to the left” on abortion since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. However, referencing the high approval ratings pregnancy resource centers receive, New said that pro-abortion activists who accuse these centers of deceiving clients are “simply saying things that are untrue.”

The report also found that the number of pregnancy resource centers that operate a maternity home nearly doubled from 24 to 46 between 2019 and 2023.

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Tyler Arnold

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