College students from across the country will gather in record-breaking numbers to attend a high-powered conference on love, marriage and fidelity this weekend — and a free webcast means anyone can follow along. “This conference is an opportunity for students from across the country to interact directly with some of the leading thinkers in the movement to enhance our nation’s understanding of sex and marriage,” Caitlin La Ruffa, director of the Love and Fidelity Network, said Oct. 28. “It is incredibly inspiring to know so many undergraduates are hungry to learn more and be witnesses back home in their own communities,” La Ruffa continued. She added that students “see first-hand the destructive impact of the sexual revolution on their campuses.” The Princeton, N.J.-based Love and Fidelity Network promotes marriage and sexual integrity at colleges. The network provides leadership training to students and offers funding for campus initiatives. The network aims to help students uphold marriage, the special role of the family and sexual integrity in their communities. The network’s conference, titled “Sexuality, Integrity and the University,” will be held at Princeton University Oct. 30-31. Over 300 students and alumni from over 40 colleges and universities will attend. The conference will discuss historic trends that created contemporary culture, such as no-fault divorce. It will explore contemporary controversies like third-party reproduction and transgenderism. Keynote speakers are Helen Alvare, a law professor who serves as a consultor for the Pontifical Council of the Laity; and W. Bradford Wilcox, director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia. Other speakers include Princeton law professor Robert P. George, Dawn Hawkins of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation, and Jennifer Lahl of the Center for Bioethics and Culture Network. La Ruffa said the conference is particularly important given the Supreme Court decision on marriage this year. The conference will begin Oct. 30 at 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time. It can be accessed via livestream at the webpage