A coordinator of adult faith formation at St. Clare Parish in Santa Clarita was recognized as a catechetical leader by the Alliance for the Certification of Lay Ecclesial Ministers.

On May 25, Peggy Pigors was awarded the distinction and formal certification at the 80th annual gathering of the Conference for Catechetical Leadership (NCCL) in Jacksonville, FL. Before serving as a catechetical leader, Pigors served as the parish’s director of religious education.

Pigors went through the Alliance’s application process, which included completing a self-assessment in her area of certification, evidence of theological study and evidence of competency in her area of certification.

The Alliance is composed of five national Catholic ministries, including the NCCL with the aim of producing a common standard for lay ecclesial ministry and administrating the certification of lay ecclesial ministers. 

“Certification is an opportunity to create a culture of competence in lay ecclesiastical ministry. The five partner organizations have identified common competency standards that are integral to all ministry,” says Dr. Robert J. McCarty, the former executive director of NFCYM.

The Committee on Certification and Accreditation of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has granted approval of the Alliance’s national standards for lay ecclesial ministers.

For more information about Alliance and certification, please visit lemcertification.org

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