Notre Dame High School of Sherman Oaksrnand Marymount High School of Westwood — both representatives of the powerfulrnAngelus League — each won their first-ever CIF-Southern Section divisionalrntitles in girls’ water polo on Feb. 24 at UC Irvine’s Woollett Aquatics Center.

The Knights (25-9) beat Downey 9-8 forrnthe Division 5 crown, as freshman Emily Suong scored from 10 meters away with 45rnseconds left in the game. Notre Dame, coached by John Hirn, had twice trailedrnby two goals, then led by three only for Downey to rally for an 8-8 tie.

In the D-7 final, top-seeded Marymountrn(17-5) defeated second-seeded Los Amigos of Fountain Valley (22-6), 8-2. ThernSailors, coached by Kate Bradley, broke a 1-1 first-quarter tie to lead 5-1 atrnhalftime, and coasted home, led by sophomores Reagan Whitney (four goals andrntwo steals) and Sophia Wazzan (three goals and five steals).

NeitherrnNotre Dame nor Marymount has previously made a a CIF-SS girls’ water polornfinal. Santa Margarita was the last local Catholic school to do so, defeatingrnMater Dei 5-4 to win the 2014 Division 2 final.

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Mike Nelson
Mike Nelson is the former editor of The Tidings (predecessor of Angelus).