Pointing toward their Oct. 4 showdown in Westwood, Marymount and Mater Dei remained the top-ranked Catholic girls’ volleyball teams in Southern California, according to the CIF-Southern Section girls’ volleyball poll released Oct. 1.

In the combined Division 1&2 rankings, four of the top five schools held serve from last week, as it were, with Redondo Union (20-2) again first, Marymount (24-6) second, Mater Dei (31-2) third, and Santa Margarita (14-9) fifth. Sierra Canyon moved up from sixth to fourth.

Nationally, Redondo Union is second in Maxpreps’ Xcellent 25 weekly survey, with Mater Dei fourth and Marymount 14th. In head-to-head matches this season, Redondo Union has beaten Marymount but lost to Mater Dei, and Mater Dei has lost to Marymount.

Last week, Marymount and Mater Dei each posted a pair of straight-set victories. League play continues over the next ten days in all divisions, with post-season play scheduled to start Oct. 16 (teams currently in the Divisions 1&2 mix will be separated come playoff time).

Elsewhere, Alemany moved into the Division 3 list at No. 7 while St. Paul slipped from sixth to tenth; Bishop Montgomery remained third but Mayfield fell from sixth to tenth in D-4; and St. Anthony remained eighth in D-5.

In D-7, Providence (Burbank) slid from sixth to seventh, and St. Bonaventure dropped from third to eighth. Villanova stayed No. 9 in D-8, and Santa Clara held at sixth in D-9.

The “Others to Watch” list included St. Joseph (Lakewood) in D-1&2, and Bishop Diego and Holy Family in D-8.

Cross country

Loyola is now tied for first in boys’ Division 2, according to the Oct. 1 CIF-SS rankings issued by Rich Gonzalez ofPrepCalTrack.com. J.Serra, Cathedral and Bishop Amat are again second, fourth and eighth in D-4, and St. Bonaventure is now eighth in D-5.

Change was also minimal in girls’ cross country. In Division 4, J.Serra rose from seventh to sixth, Mayfield dipped from fifth to seventh, and Bishop Amat remained eighth. Santa Margarita is still eighth in D-3, and La Reina is now seventh while Sacred Heart is ninth in D-5.

Girls’ tennis

Here too, there was relatively little change in the Oct. 1 CIF-SS polls among Catholic schools. Mater Dei is still 16th in Division 1, Chaminade ninth in D-2, and St. Lucy’s fifth and Mayfield eighth in D-3.

In D-4, however, Bishop Montgomery and Alemany rose from eighth and tenth to sixth and eighth, respectively. And La Salle continued its upward climb in the D-5 poll, from ninth to sixth.

Boys’ water polo

Servite is still first in Division 3, while Loyola, Mater Dei and Santa Margarita remain 3-4-6 in the combined Division 1&2 rankings, with Damien now 20th. Cathedral is ninth in D-7.

Mike Nelson is the former editor of the Tidings (predecessor of Angelus News).

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Mike Nelson
Mike Nelson is the former editor of The Tidings (predecessor of Angelus).