Eight Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, with ties to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, are celebrating Jubilees this year.
60-year Jubilarian:

Sister Katherine “Kay” Manley is a native of Indianapolis. Currently, she ministers in residential services at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Sister Katherine, formerly Sister Catherine Therese, entered the Congregation on Jan. 6, 1958, from St. Philip Neri, Indianapolis. She professed final vows on Aug. 15,1 965. Her Archdiocese of Los Angeles ministries include: Van Nuys: Teacher, St. Elisabeth (1967-69), Gardena: Teacher, St. Anthony (1976-78), and Gardena: Principal, St. Anthony (1978-88). Sister Kay has also ministered in Indiana and Illinois.
70-year Jubilarians:

Sister Ann Marie Boyce is a native of Richmond, Indiana. Currently, she ministers as a volunteer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Sister Ann Marie entered the Congregation on Jan. 7, 1948, from St. Mary, Richmond. She professed final vows on Aug. 15, 1955. Her Archdiocese of Los Angeles ministries include: Gardena: Teacher, St. Anthony (1955-59), Hollywood: Administrative Assistant/Assistant Principal, St. Ambrose School (1991-92), Hollywood: Administrative Assistant, St. Ambrose School (1992-93), and Hawthorne: Administrative Assistant, St. Joseph School (1993-96). Sister Ann Marie has also ministered in Indiana and North Carolina.

Sister Helen Therese Conway is a native of Chicago. Currently, she ministers in prayer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Sister Helen Therese entered the Congregation on Feb. 2, 1948, from Our Lady of Angels, Chicago. She professed final vows on Aug. 15, 1955. Her Archdiocese of Los Angeles ministry was as a teacher at St. Elisabeth, Van Nuys, from 1955-59. Sister Helen Therese has also ministered in Indiana and Illinois.

Sister Eileen Dede is a native of Terre Haute, Indiana. Currently, she ministers as a volunteer at Providence Spirituality & Conference Center, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Sister Eileen, formerly Sister Anita Therese, entered the Congregation on Jan. 7, 1948, from St. Ann, Terre Haute. She professed final vows on Aug. 15, 1955. Her Archdiocese of Los Angeles ministry was as a chaplain t the Daniel Freeman Hospital, Inglewood, from 1980-83. Sister Eileen has also ministered in Massachusetts, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio and Florida.

Sister Terese Marie Havlik is a native of Chicago. Currently, she ministers in prayer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Sister Terese Marie entered the Congregation on Feb. 2, 1948, from St. Odilo, Berwyn, Illinois. She professed final vows on Aug. 15, 1955. Her Archdiocese of Los Angeles ministries include: Los Angeles: Teacher, St. Teresa (1955-57), Hawthorne: Teacher, St. Joseph (1957-58), and Van Nuys: Teacher, St. Elisabeth (1958-59). Sister Terese Marie has also ministered in Indiana and Illinois.

Sister Grace Marie Meehan is a native of Chicago. Currently, she ministers as a volunteer at Alexian Brothers Hospital, Elk Grove, Illinois. Sister Grace Marie entered the Congregation on Jan. 7, 1948, from St. Andrew, Chicago. She professed final vows on Aug. 15, 1955. Her Archdiocese of Los Angeles ministry was as a teacher at St. Joseph, Hawthorne, from 1955-59. Sister Grace Marie has also ministered in Indiana, Oklahoma, Illinois and Maryland.
75-year Jubilarians

Sister Adrian Marie Conrad is a native of Bicknell, Indiana. Currently, she ministers in residential services in Los Angeles. Sister Adrian Marie entered the Congregation on July 22, 1943, from St. Francis Xavier, Vincennes, Indiana. She professed final vows on Jan. 23, 1951. Her Archdiocese of Los Angeles ministries include serving in outreach ministry at Providence St. John Health Care, Santa Monica, from 1998-2015. Sister Adrian Marie has also ministered in Indiana and Nevada.

Sister Louise Schroeder is a native of Jasper, Indiana. Currently, she ministers in prayer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Sister Louise, formerly Sister Edward Louise, entered the Congregation on Jan. 5, 1943, from St. Joseph, Jasper. She professed final vow on Aug. 15, 1950.Her Archdiocese of Los Angeles ministries include: Alhambra: Teacher, St. Therese (1950-51), Hawthorne: Teacher, St. Joseph (1951-54), and Van Nuys: Teacher, St. Elisabeth (1986-88). Sister Louise has also ministered in Indiana and Illinois.