Categories: LA Catholics

Providence Holy Cross Medical Center launches app

This month, Providence Holy Cross Medical Center has launched a new app to help potential patients quickly access efficient medical care.

iTriage allows sick residents of the South Bay area to quickly decide between an urgent care facility or an emergency room visit based on their illness.  The nearest urgent care facility can then be located using the app. Additionally, potential patients can inform the facility of their arrival by tapping the app’s “I’m On My Way” button and save valuable wait time by filling out medical forms before arrival.

The new application is intended to decrease emergency room wait times by appropriately redirecting certain patients to the less expensive option of an urgent care facility.

“Many people mistakenly visit the emergency room for treatment that can be performed sooner and less expensively at an urgent care center,” according to the medical center’s statement.

The new application is free to download from iTunes and Google Play.

Angelus News