A Melkite Greek Catholic church will be elevated to the title of cathedral in Los Angeles, making it a co-cathedral with the Eparchial Cathedral of the Annunciation in Boston. The Eparchial Bishop of Newton, Nicholas J. Samra, will celebrate the solemn inauguration of the soon-to-be-cathedral, St. Anne Melkite Greek Catholic Church, on Aug. 1 at 4 p.m.

Pope Francis named the church a co-cathedral at the request of Bishop Samra, who cares for the approximately 24,000 U.S. Catholics belonging to the Eastern Rite.

The eparchy or the diocese of the Eastern Rite in the U.S. extends to 45 parishes and missions, with 60 active and retired priests. Due to the wide extent of the rite’s territory, Bishop Nicholas requested the church of St. Anne be named a co-cathedral on the West Coast to remind the Melkite faithful of the unity of the Church and the solicitude of its bishop.

The church of St. Anne is a unique building of modern Byzantine architecture. Mosaics and painted icons decorate the entire interior, featuring the great feasts of the Byzantine calendar, the New Testament stories and images of the saints.

A grand banquet will follow the Divine Liturgy at the Hilton Hotel in Studio City.

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