Our Lady of the Assumption Church will host the annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 26 at the Claremont church. All are welcome.
Sponsored by the Claremont Interfaith Council, the service offers people of different religious traditions the opportunity to come together in gratitude for the gifts of life and religious freedom.
Father Charles Ramirez, pastor of Our Lady of the Assumption Church, will lead a diverse group of participating clergy. Featured speaker is the Rev. Eileen Gebbie of Claremont United Church of Christ.
Scripture readings will be offered by youth from Temple Beth Israel, the Islamic Center of Claremont, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Claremont Church of LDS, and Buddhist representatives. A Presidential Proclamation will be read by Claremont Mayor Joe Lyons.
For more information, contact the church at (909) 626-3596.
St. Teresa of Jesus 500th anniversary
2014 marks the 500th anniversary of the birth of St. Teresa of Jesus and a staff she used is traveling around the world. St. Therese in Alhambra will be celebrating their namesake with a weekend full of events dedicated to St. Teresa of Avila, including veneration of the staff.
“The Way of Light,” a pilgramage of renewal with St. Teresa of Avila will take place Nov. 29— Dec. 1.
St. Therese’s is the only stop on the staff tour in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.The weekend will also including a guided meditation entitled “Jesus of Teresa: The Christological Experience of Teresa of Jesus,” and a concert of the Compositions of Tomás Luis de Victoria, a fellow citizen of Avila, Spain, and a contemporary of St. Teresa.
The weekend will feature two conferences; one following the concert entitled, “The Royal Way: The Interior Journey of St. Teresa of Jesus for Us Today,” and another entitled “Theresian Carmelites: A Journey Towards Renewal.”
For more information, contact Denise Kay, [email protected], or visit www.sttheresechurchalhambra.org.